Exclusive Terms And Conditions

Viral Press finds newsworthy content and acquires permission from owners to use it in various media, including print, online and broadcast.

With regards to the videos uploaded or link submitted, the filmer will receive payment either on a revenue share basis and / or a one time fixed fee in exchange for the exclusive and sole rights to the video for all publishing, broadcasting and licensing rights on all platforms. 

The exclusive agreement gives ViralPress and its content partner organisations permission to share, republish and / or broadcast the agreed footage exclusively. This means that it can be used in whole or in part in online video players, in TV packages, in print and on other media channels, including social media, monetised in commercial players, internationally and in perpetuity.

By submitting the video and receiving payment it is agreed that:

1. The uploader is the owner and filmer of the content or has the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions from the filmer to grant ViralPress an exclusive license and give all rights to the video.

2. The filmer henceforth remits all rights to the video content, granting ViralPress and its content distribution partners the worldwide, exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable and transferable licensing, syndication and publishing rights to use, reproduce, distribute, edit, prepare derivative works of, display, add logos or marks, and perform the video content in any media format and through any media channels, including social media with commercial partner programs, on all platforms either known or unknown in this universe and/or any undiscovered.

3. The filmer confirms that ViralPress is henceforth the only international media organisation with the publishing, syndication and licensing rights to the footage and ViralPress will honour any previous publishing or non-exclusive licensing agreements engaged upon with the video content prior to the agreement.